Where the f**k is everyone

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Every man and his dog are out this week.
Iain - on holiday
Scott - don’t know why Iain told me last week
Martie - did some kind of walk which means he can’t play.
Gordo – Still in Poland
Si – Still injured
Foxy – visiting relatives
Andy – Going to watch coldplay.

out of the normal reserves.
Marc – on holiday
Rob and Ross – also watching coldplay

So in come Steven, Paul, Grant, and Campbell and up until 2.30 Gary but he pulled out so Dave, a nice chap from my Monday night game has agreed to play.

If it’s this hard next week I am giving up. 12 Hardcore and only 5 can play. Thanks in advance to the guys who have stepping in.


neil williamson said...

"Going to watch coldplay"

Weakest excuse...evar

Foxy said...

widnae watch coldplay even if they paid me - they are total PISH!!!!

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Thanks for the banter